▶ xavier godart
music, art & software - Bordeaux, France.Birtawil music on streaming platforms
You can now listen to Birtawil music on all major streaming platforms. Right now, only the last album, ĦOLL, is available. But I'll add the rest little by little.
I've been using Bandcamp exclusively until now, because it's the fairest model. But a few things made me change my mind:
- Bandcamp has been bought by Epic Games, and I'm not sure where this is heading. I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket anymore.
- Since 2022, the IRS (US Tax) requires US based marketplaces like Bandcamp to issue tax forms to artists and labels who earn over $600 USD in sales within one year (instead of $10,000 USD before). Again, not really sure where this is heading, but it's annoying at best, specially for very small projects like mines. I have a feeling that's why Bandcamp was sold, because they're not be able to make life easier for independant artists anymore. But I'm just speculating...
- It's 2022, and let's be honnest, most people are listening music through major streaming platforms.
In the future, I may also experiment with self-hosting my own music as an alternative.